Saturday, November 23, 2013

Facebook is out of fashion for teens!

Facebook has noticed a significant drop among teenage users recently, and that’s bad news for Facebook as the success of social media sites depends a lot on this younger demographic of users, especially that they are a strong force in the marketplace, they can either make you or break you -as a business-.Getting their attention and time to focus on what you have to offer them is hard –a part which Facebook nailed- but what is harder is trying to keep them interested in it for the longest time possible, a lifetime if you’re lucky. Such sites have to keep itself updated to the trends going on in the world constantly, which Facebook seems to be losing a little focus on that might’ve led to the latest decrease among teen users.

Facebook stated:
“We believe that some of our users, particularly our younger users, are aware of and actively engaging with other products and services similar to, or as a substitute for, Facebook. For example, we believe that some of our users have reduced their engagement with Facebook in favor of increased engagement with other products and services such as Instagram. In the event that our users increasingly engage with other products and services, we may experience a decline in user engagement and our business could be harmed.”

So why do teens delete their Facebook accounts?

Reading a lot of articles and researches I've found out that teens would leave Facebook for all sorts of reasons, some did not even make sense to me! Which meant that they are setting the bar very high for Facebook to try and please everyone of them back to that virtual world. And here are several reasons that I've found interesting:

-A lot of kids claim that bullies find Facebook a very convenient way of bulling them online because they would post mean things to them and they would embarrass each other and as you know all of their Facebook friends get to see the posts which basically meant the whole school . Facebook feels as if it’s an after school gathering and everyone is there to chill or show off how cool they are but can sometimes be on others expenses.

-Facebook has been defiantly a place where you would want a good company in to join in the first place, and if your friends start dropping out one by one, then there will be just you......and all of those strangers!
 It will feel empty and become boring by time. Also teens might feel a little social pressure to add friends who they don’t like for a reason or another which makes them feel uncomfortable to be themselves on their Facebook pages.

-Compared to other apps Facebook’s app takes the longest time to post an update in, which isn't very appealing to a lot of users, now that their competitors are offering faster and more convenient substitutes for teens to share whatever they want to share with their friends. Not to mention that navigating through Facebook updates takes a long time too and it could get boring and make them lose interest.

-Family members joining Facebook  defiantly drove teenagers away because they want to avoid their parents, grandparents, and the rest of the family!!
Teens feel like they can’t act freely and post whatever they want, they also don’t like how “to them” their parents can be embarrassing sometimes in front of their friends like posting baby pictures of them or commenting on their status and being able to find out their plans . so they quit Facebook for another social media site that gives them a little more privacy from their family but not from the rest of the world!

-Facebook is said to have a strong effect on users' lives and emotions, as to some it makes them feel sad and bad about themselves. If it’s for one reason then not getting  a "Like" and/or comment on a picture they've  just posted can make them feel less valuable than their other peers who get showered with likes! Teens also tend to measure their own lives to their friends’ or the other teens around their age, and logically speaking not a lot of people have the same lives! But trying to get teenagers to understand that can be a bit hard as Facebook users unconsciously create an image of what a perfect life should be like and young people get deceived easily and they feel bad about not living like the other kids so as a result it drives them away from using Facebook.

Where do they go instead?

Teens nowadays certainly spend most of their the time browsing in apps using their cell phones. Apps like  WeChat, Vine, snapchat, twitter and (Facebook’s own) Instagram, are getting the highest ratings of the most downloaded and used apps. And each one of them has an advantage over Facebook somehow that teens are getting fascinated with.

Whether it’s because of those several reasons mentioned above teenagers delete their Facebook accounts or not It’s no question that Facebook is like an ending fashion trend that shined for a while and lost its sparkle. As far as am concerned I think it’s not too late for Facebook to have a strong comeback and once again be on the top of the game.(even though am not a big fan of it)

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